GMBSamba Digital has conducted various studies on the Brazilian iGaming market. How can these studies contribute to better marketing decisions for betting operators?

Camila Cunha – The studies can assist in various areas, from analyzing the performance of operators on social media (identifying the types of content that engage the most, attract followers, drive website traffic, or acquire new users, among other KPIs) to providing insights and analyses on the effectiveness of betting operators’ assets, such as sponsorship agreements and influencer partnerships.

Although Samba Digital has a strong background in digital marketing, our internal Data & Analytics team conducts studies that explore both online and offline marketing initiatives.

What are the key concepts to consider for a successful campaign?

The starting point is to determine the campaign’s goals, meaning the objectives and KPIs to be pursued. From there, we discuss possible approaches and what is required to develop and execute the plan, considering market trends, competitors, etc. Throughout the process—defining KPIs, planning, execution, and performance evaluation – we at Samba Digital rely heavily on our data team to identify opportunities and determine the best ways to leverage them.

How do Samba Digital’s data solutions help operators gain market insights?

Depending on the study’s focus, Samba uses public and paid tools or even field research to collect the necessary data on the operator and its key competitors. From there, we analyze the data and prepare actionable insights.

These solutions help operators understand which marketing and sponsorship initiatives are performing best and why, as well as highlight competitors’ best practices.

Can Samba Digital’s studies estimate the return on investment (ROI) in advertising and marketing?

Yes, absolutely. Through custom market research for operators, combined with data from various tools, we can analyze the ROI of specific sponsorships, activations, or ambassador agreements.

Based on the asset the client wishes to evaluate, we define the methodology and tools to be used. Additionally, we often benchmark the ROI of a particular sponsorship against competitors’ investments and returns.

How do Samba Digital’s data analyses and market insights help operators adopt effective strategies?

With the support of data and insights, operators gain greater visibility into which initiatives—whether marketing or sponsorship—are driving brand recognition or delivering the best ROI.

We can also dive deeper to understand how the most loyal users or potential new customers perceive the brand. Based on these insights, if the goal is to target new potential customers, operators can develop actions tailored to this specific group. Overall, data and insights are fundamental for making informed decisions aligned with the company’s objectives.

What is the importance of qualified audiences in iGaming?

Qualified audiences are critical for player retention and establishing medium- to long-term relationships with users. While one of the industry’s main KPIs is FTD (First Time Deposit), there is growing attention to the quality of these FTDs—specifically, how interested they are in sports betting or online casinos and their potential to become frequent players on a given platform.

Samba Digital, as a service provider in this industry, places special emphasis on lead quality when conducting media or influencer campaigns, as this increases the likelihood of successful projects that meet the goals of all parties involved.

What recommendations would you give to those looking to launch a marketing and advertising campaign using Samba Digital’s data and tools?

Data services can assist operators in three stages when it comes to Marketing/Media campaigns:

Firstly, during the pre-campaign phase (with market insights on players, competitors, etc.), which is essential for investing the marketing budget more assertively;

The second stage would be during the campaigns, i.e., monitoring their performance, which allows the operator to make adjustments in time if any aspect of the campaign is not performing as expected; and

The third stage would be after the campaign. In this case, it is possible to conduct more detailed market research on the performance of a given activity or sponsorship asset and prepare insights and recommendations on whether or not to continue a given activity based on the data collected and the results obtained.

With the regulation of the iGaming market in Brazil, it is natural that professionalization will increase and that operators will be increasingly interested in using data to make decisions. Therefore, we at Samba Digital emphasize our positioning as an agency focused on key services, with Data & Analytics being one of the main ones.

Source: Exclusive GMB


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